Thursday, December 25, 2008

How I Spent My Christmas day

Today is Christmas Day 2008 and Daddy made me wear this red-and-white collar with jingle bells and I think it's silly but Daddy thinks I look SO CUTE in it so my gift to Daddy was to make him happy so I wore it and politely ignored it, like this:

When Daddy and Uncle Kevin got up this morning they opened up all these present that their friend Jim had sent from California and I got to help:

And I spent the whole day relaxing and playing with my feather toy and then in the evening we turned the Christmas lights on and it was so pretty that I took a long Christmas nap.

And that was my seventh Christmas in Melbourne, Australia!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Kitties Love Christmas

Daddy says today is Nikolaustag or St. Nicholas' Day which is the best day to start decorating the house for Christmas since St. Nicholas is Santa Claus who brings presents to all good kitties on Christmas Eve. Nikolaustag is a German holiday but I'm not a German kitty and Daddy's not German either and we live in Australia not Germany, but what the hey. So Uncle Kevin started unpacking the Christmas tree and I decided to watch:

And he and Daddy put up two trees, one of them tall and thin and I love to sit underneath it:

and the other tree is small and on a little pedestal and decorated with only blue and silver decorations:

Now it's only a couple more weeks until Christmas!